Depression leads to self mengada-ness.
I donno why when something is not right in the heart, I'll get emo over some stupid thing. Once there was this time about raspberry ripple ice-cream kat lab masak. I wanted that flavor ice-cream from that tub but malang tak berbau, budak-budak ni longsap licin dalam sekelip mata (mungkin lapar sangat). I was so depressed after that even pujukan nak beli 3 tub eskrem flavor sama pun tak dapat nak nolong. haih.
Once there was this time with coffee at McD. I thought we wanted to order 3 cup of coffee each for breakfast but they bought the A breakfast box, so dapat kopi 2 jela. I was not ready to share as my mental envisioned me having my own cup of coffee. Hey, this is coffee your talking about. When Nadia aint gettin her coffee she get very very the depress. Terus mood merundum and everyone was offering me coffee all across the table so that I cheer up. Apedehal la mengada sangat kan. haih.
And finally, I was not myself tadi. When Ica said mee kari tadi sedap, I immediately went down to the dumps sebab I got data collection and cannot serta them to KLCC today. Mee kari is one of my favorite things in life besides family and friends. And isu mee kari tidak boleh dibawak main-main ya. Its lethal. Sebut je mee kari, I was craving it in depress mode. Tahun ni tak makan lagi mee kari tau. haih budak ni.
So sebenarnya, manusia memang pelik. Meng-hiperbola kan setiap keadaan yang tiada hiper atau bola adalah perkara norma bagi makhluk aneh sepertiku. And who cares if I talk crap. Why the fcuking heck are you reading my blog.
*Personal confessions here are solely to show that I am human and I have a life worth writing for.
Urumqi – Kashgar #9
9 months ago
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