Monday, January 16, 2012

Taking Something that is not Yours

We call it stealing or robbing or rompak.

 Dear pencuri,

               I know you are somewhere enjoying mama's money. Before we go further, I must applaud you coz you are damn smart. You hijacked the myvi door with ease and took her wallet from the dashboard and cover up your tracks perfectly. Like nothing happen. Me or mama did not realized anything odd or weird or misplaced as we approached the car at 0720 hours after an hour jogging our ass off. Drench in sweat, mama said she wanted to go to the bank thus she asked me to search for her wallet in the dashboard. I was like, "mama there is no wallet here, i bet mama tetinggal kat rumah". Confident je cakap my mama misplace her things. She never does that.

              Fear strikes when we both search the house but still takde. Then bila dah 7.45am, the skies are clear as day, I saw our myvi door. The part where the handle is, tempat kunci yang kecik tu was not there. Bijak. Bijak. Bijak. This is what I said as I discovered that tragedy,"mama I think someone broke into the car and took your wallet." Mama muka terus hilang colour. Pity her. Everything was in it. Beratus money. IC. Drivers licence. Bank cards. Credit cards. Hospital card. Oh mind you pencuri, mama just renewed her Isetan and Sogo card last week. Now she must start from square one again. Happy?

             I know there is a huge hikmah behind this musibah. Allah was merciful towards you pencuri and gave you the greelight. Allah was merciful towards mama because nothing worst happen. Nothing horrible happen to mama. And that is the most important thing. If you have been eyeing mama for weeks, I thank you for not creeping up on her and doing something worst.And Alhamdulillah you did not steal the car, you just took the wallet. If you stole the car, mama would have a mental breakdown.

             For parts that I am mad about is the trauma you left mama with. Now I bet she won't go jogging there anymore. For parts that I am mad about is the fact that mama have to go through all the trouble of starting over again and her week ahead is full of trips to the bank, JPJ, blablabla to dig herself out of this shit you put her through. For parts that I am mad about is the epiphany of the moment where mama felt so helpless without any identification or any money, she felt useless and mama is Supermama. Without her wallet and everything in it, its like a superhero without super powers.

             For parts that I am SO mad about is the tears mama shed due to this incident. You know what mama cant get back from this? There was 3 passport photos of me, abang and hena when we were little. It was in her wallet our little faces. Abang was 9, I was 7 and hena was 5. She would show people how we were then, so little so comot so precious. I am turning 23 this year, could you please hand mama back those photos at least. Because she needs that to remind her how fast we grew up. Hmm,.....Like you even care, I bet you don't.

               I end this letter with a heavy heart. Please do not do this again to someone else. I pray to God you  pay for everything you have put mama through and the memories and stuff she wont get back. Ya Allah, sesungguhnya semua yang berlaku ada hikmah di sebaliknya.

*Please be careful everywhere you go. Eyes are watching us. Bad people with bad intentions. 


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