Strong does not need explaining when I look at you.
When I heard the news, my heart sank. I bet you felt the same. But times a million. I really do not know what to say or how to act. But from me to you, I want you to know I care. So much. People say you know who your friends are when times are hard. And when the time came for you, you came for me. It means something big. It means I am your friend. Through thick and thin. No matter what, I am here for you.
I think I am doing something good on earth. That is the whole point of living. It is. To be good. Be helpful. Be pleasant. Be a friend. Yes, cakap bunga. Tapi ikhlas Tuhan sahaja yang tahu. Yes, cakap pandai. Tapi my friends know who I really am. Dan aku nak kau kuat sekuat-kuatnya. Okay?
*Ya Allah, please take care of my friend. Ya Allah, give mighty strength to her family. Ya Allah, we can get through this together.
Urumqi – Kashgar #9
9 months ago
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