Had a great 25th December. Became a part of my best friend brother punya wedding. And what I got from that is a lot of different stuff that builds me. Inside. First and foremost is family. Bless you Ica, you have a beautiful family. Really nice people. Down to earth just like you. When I am around Ica's family, I miss mine. I take them for granted sometimes, forgetting them until raya or kenduri or whateva. When I got to know her family and seeing them together at the kenduri, I wanted to be with mine. So bad. This taught me a lesson. No matter what the hell happen in our lives, family is blood. And when you are bonded by the F word, nothing is more important than them. Ia perasaan lain, kasih sayang yang lain apabila bersama keluarga. I pity those who do not have good family values in them. I pity those who do not want to be with their family. I pity those who forget where they came from.
Second thing is, sifat tolong menolong dengan ikhlas. Kenapa perlu tunggu sampai orang minta tolong baru kita nak tolong?. I am puzzled sometimes by people. They can be ignorant to a point of "siapa suruh dia tak mintak tolong". When you see someone in trouble or need help, you go to them. That's the way it should be. Helping out people, sumpah cakap, membina dalaman diri sangat-sangat. Not only you feel good about yourself but people will feel good about you. And apa yang orang rasa dalam hati pasal kita adalah doa. Dan semua yang baik itu bermula dari situ. I pity those who feel helping people is a waste of time, money and energy. I pity those who judge people who are helping people. I pity those who expect life would help them without any sense of helping others.
The last thing about inside is friendliness. When I was young, I was very shy and I do not talk to anyone other than my family. Its hard for me to make friends when I was young. Because I was too shy and I do not know how to break the ice. I slowly grew up wanting to be like Abah. He is very charming and friendly and has a lot of friends from everywhere. Aku kagum dengan abah sangat-sangat. He told me there is no harm in opening your mouth and saying something. From then on, I just blossomed into this 'ramah' creature that I am today. Bukan senang nak jadi friendly. It requires a lot of gut. Keberanian muka tembok. I have kelemahan sikit actually. I have problems communicating with older people. So kenduri semalam sharpened my skills. I feel good when I can talk to her mak, mak andak and wan chu. I need to expand myself to different people. Noted.
At the end of the day, bahagia sangat tengok along and your new kaklong happy. Again you have a beautiful family. Especially that little kid, umair. They way he is so adorable just buat saya nak lahirkan anak macam budak tu. One thing that was very the melekat yesterday was;
"Akak, kenapa kita kena pakai tudung?" tanya acha your 5 year old cousin. I wanted to answer kalau tak pakai masuk neraka. Tapi I stopped. And replied; "kalau pakai tudung dapat pahala, Allah suka." And she get that. Because then she said, "Kalau tak pakai tudung, Allah tak suka, tak dapat masuk syurga kan?." Good. Never dakwah with denda dan dosa. Because Islam is beautiful. Embracing Islam because of the reward and not because of fearing the consequences, is more meaningful and deep.
*So what is your inside like? Dig now.
Sebab pakai tudung dapat pahala ;)
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