Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Ya Allah, my devotion is to You.

During this month I can honestly say I am lazy. Ramadan is where you double up or triple everything and all I did is buat sekadar yang "mampu". Entahlah, how I wish I had a ramadan like last time. With my friends who guided me with so many new things. I miss us walking to the mosque for tarawih and I miss us hurrying back for tadarus together. So much ibadah that I feel whole and complete. Masa berlalu pun it does not matter because ramadan teaches us the value of time management and if my time was 'wasted' doing ibadah, it was worth it. Bloody hell it did and it felt so good. Now I understand why people say ramadan is the month of the year. The month you look forward to as a muslim. 
                Yes we solat everyday because its wajib but now I am looking up why. For every bacaan that we have to do, why is it so and what does it mean. Don't you people wanna know that? Yelah kita solat tapi kita faham tak. Sekusyuk mana kita if we just solat because we hafal sejak kecik tapi kita tak tahu apa pun. Quran is not only meant to be read untuk bacaan sahaja tau. Bacaan sini meaning kita baca Quran but do we know what the heck are we reading. Kalau baca salah tak ikut sabdu bacaan pendek panjang dengung sini sana semua memang maksud dia lari sebab kita bukan lidah arab but take time to read up the tafsir. The meaning behind every ayat in the Quran is far more powerful. Lagipun, Allah knows every language known to man kan. It was HE who created man after all.

*No discovery in Islam is nothing. Fahamlah. Bacalah. 


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